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We are going for 1.5 million zlotys for Antidepressant Helpline

31 marathons
in 31 days

About the project

Raport o zdrowiu psychicznym pracowników w Polsce

Co wpływa na dobrostan pracowników? Co pomaga, a co przeszkadza w utrzymaniu work-life balance? Jak pracownicy radzą sobie z obniżoną kondycją psychiczną? To tylko niektóre zagadnienia poruszone w tej publikacji, będącej zwieńczeniem projektu "31 maratonów w 31 dni".

Project starts in...

Our partners

Is engaged in supporting corporations in hiring people with disabilities. In 2022, he rose from depression and lost 50.5 kilograms in 5 months and 5 days. He described the story of this transformation in his book with that very title: https://www.50kg.pl. In October 2023, he walked 1.2 million steps.

Piotr Konopka


About the project

Every step Peter takes is one zloty of support for the Stop Depression Anti-Depression Helpline

1,5 million zloty for support line 


Peter is heading to Greece in May, where he plans to walk 42 km / about 50k steps every day for a month. He will make his final walk, the 31st, from Marathon to Athens. 
This is a symbolic closing of the cycle and the road he has walked from depression to recovery.

31 marathons in 31 days


start of  marathons



sponsorship arrangments


report publication

Action plan

Download the presentation

How can you help?

  • Diagnosis of employee well-being 

  • Declared sources of reduced mental condition, sources of stress

  • Barriers and drivers associated with visiting a specialist

  • Role of loved ones in coping with reduced mental condition

  • Attempts to cope with reduced mental condition

  • The impact of areas of daily life on mental condition

  • Work environment and mental health

  • Professional burnout, work-life balance, what helps and what hinders balance

In June, we will publish a report on the state of employee health in Poland

Report on the mental condition of employees

© 2024 All rights reserved



Support us

About the project


Piotr Konopka
tel. +48 512 340 113

Let's stay in touch!